Getting Started
This website contains a set of guides and references to help ease with the installation of the Light Bot.
Light Bot is a Discord bot made originally for the Light Services development team, hence it's name. It contains features such as advanced ticket management, hands-off revenue management, automatic PayPal and crypto invoices and much more.
The bot is intended for self-hosting, which means we assume a basic level of understanding of how to manage and make Discord bots. That includes terminology (like "bot", "token", "server" etc.) and basic knowledge (like opening a terminal and installing the prerequisites).
We are unlikely to provide support for people who don't have a basic idea about self-hosting, so please keep this in mind when contacting the team.
Obtain the LS bot
If you do not own the bot yet, you can obtain a copy over at BuiltByBit for just $3.99 (or less if on sale).
Managed panel support
We're aware of many people trying to host this bot on managed panels, such as Pterodactyl Panel. The LS bot supports this type of hosting, but you have to be able to open ports on it. Read more here.
Get Support
If you get stuck anywhere in the guides, find a bug or have any questions, you can contact on our Discord by clicking the Discord icon in the upper-right corner of your screen or here.